Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Missing the Point with 'PowerPoint'

The following quote is from an article that exposes the mind numbing effects of the powerpoint technology:

PowerPoint: Killer App? Like all forms of torture, though, PowerPoint degrades its practitioners as well as its victims. Yes, boring slides were plentiful in the pre-PowerPoint era -- remember the overhead projector? Yes, it can help the intellectually inept organize their thoughts. But the seductive availability of PowerPoint and the built-in drive to reduce all subjects to a series of short-handed bullet points eliminates nuances and enables, even encourages, the absence of serious thinking. Really, why think at all when the auto-content wizard can do it for you?

The article does not mention the use of PowerPoint in Worship. I would argue that the most disturbing development in the world of PowerPoint is not its migration to the schools; but its migration to Churches. While St. Paul speaks of worship as the offering of ourselves in living sacrifice which is our 'reasonable service', PowerPoint Christianity flattens worship into sappy feelings fostered with color and sound which may be appealing but leave the mind untouched.

A technology which hinders clear thinking in science and education should have no part in reasonable (which means: truly spiritual) worship.


CSPellot said...

Hola Erasmo.

Quienquiera que haya escrito esa cita, is missing the point con PowerPoint. Como toda aplicación tecnológica, Powerpoint tiene sus fortalezas y debilidades. Jamás será un sustituto sino más bien una herramienta práctica y facilitadora en las manos de aquel que sepa usarlo adecuadamente.
Tu comentario es extremo (con todo el respeto).


Ben said...

No hay duda de que PowerPoint es un programa muy util. Sin embargo, el artículo arroja luz sobre sus limitaciones, y como ha afectado negativamente el juicio científico en dos ocasiones pues contribuye al razonamiento superficial y la muletilla. De hay mi voz de alarma con respecto al lugar que PowerPoint a asumido en los servicios de adoración de varias iglesias.